On 6th of December 2016 took place at KEMEA (www.kemea.gr) in Athens the Kick Off meeting of the project SSEE (www.ssee-project.eu). Additess Ltd was represent by the Managing Director, Mr.Nikolaos Koutras.
The members of the SSEE consortium are:
Kemea – Greece (coordinator)
Additess Ltd – Cyprus
Piraeus Port Authority SA- Greece
Emergency Response Unit- Cyprus
The core approach of the project is to contribute towards the advancement of the objectives of the European Union Internal Security Strategy 2015-2020 and to the EU CBRN Action Plan. In particular, the proposed program will focus on awareness raising and training of first line practitioners (police officers, coast guards, customs officers etc.) of Greece and Cyprus to CBRN-E threats.
The primary objectives of the project “Shielding South-east Europe from CBRN-E threats – S.S.E.E.” are the following:
To raise awareness of first line practitioners (police officers, coast guards, customs officers etc.) of Greece and Cyprus, mainly on preventive level, in order to be able to recognize and identify CBRN-E threats.
To train the involved personel (police officers, coast guards, customs officers) in the detection and mitigation of CBRN-E risks which have cross-border and cross-sector elements.
To improve the law enforcement training potentials, especially for CBRN-E first responders and in the special intervention domain.
To improve cooperation and coordination between first line practitioners in Greece and Cyprus.
To raise awareness, to develop guidances and to train personel of Critical infrastructures in CBRN-E threats.
The specific objectives of the project are:
Promote common awareness raising activities, training programs and exercises;
Improve the detection of risks, especially at the borders;
Improve the use of research, testing and validation outcomes;
Promote national and transnational initiatives and engage with industry and other security stakeholders