During the 2nd and 3rd of September took place in Venice, Italy, the European Neighbourhood Association- EUNWA (https://eunwa.org ) annual conference in association with the Second edition of the International Forum 2019 A thousand cities, million of citizens: A vision for our future Urban Security (https://live.comune.venezia.it/it/2017/09/second-edition-international-forum-thousand-cities-millions-citizens-vision-our-future).
More than 100 key participants such as municipality mayors around the world, EU LEAs and policy makers took place in the conference. During the event, Additess LTD (www.Additess.com) one of the three technical partners of MIICT that are as well active members of EUNWA, presented the MIICT project and discussed issue of migration and migrants’ integration in local communities. Various mayors raised concerns and practices in tackling this issue and easing the integration process aiding at increased quality of life.