On Thursday November 21, 2019 the Nicosia Risk Forum 2019 event took place at European University Cyprus in Nicosia, Cyprus. “The Nicosia Risk Forum 2019 provides the platform for an array of stakeholders –hailing from government, academia and the private sector– to exchange views and experiences, making it a truly multi-disciplinary event that produces a high level of discourse at a timely juncture. An exciting line of speakers and presentations were planned. Among others, on Nicosia Risk Forum 2019 important presentations were made by:
-EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, Dr Christos Stylianides
-HE the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, Dr Nikos Christodoulides
-The Deputy Government Spokeswoman, Ms Klelia Vasileiou
-Secretary General for Civil Protection of the Hellenic Republic, Mr Nikos Hardalias
– Head of NEMA, State of Israel, Mr Zeev Tsuk-Ram, VOVA
-Commissioner of Cyprus Civil Defense Force of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Andreas Frantzis
During the sessions of the Nicosia Risk Forum 2019 the Prestocloud project (https://prestocloud-project.eu) was presented by Additess LTD (www.Additess.com) .
The goal of PrEstoCloud is to make substantial research contributions in the Cloud computing and real-time Big Data technologies in order to provide a dynamic, distributed architecture for proactive cloud resources management reaching the extreme edge of the network for efficient real-time big data processing and to deploy and validate it in several challenging, complementary and commercially-very promising use cases.
In particular, PrEstoCloud aims to combine real-time Big Data, Cloud computing and Fog computing research in a unique way in order to provide an innovative solution for, as above elaborated, very complex problem of cloud-based adaptive real-time Big Data processing.After the presentation a discussion with the event’s stakeholder took place and potential ways of project output’s exploitation were discussed.
The agenda of the event can be found here.