On May 2018, RESISTO project (http://www.resistoproject.eu) was successfully launched to provide holistic (cyber/physical) situation awareness and enhanced resilience for Communication Critical Infrastructures (CI), that play a funda-mental role in the economic and social well-being of the citizens and on operations of most Critical Infrastructures. RESISTO is a three-ye-ar EU research project led by LEONARDO (key player in Aerospace, Defence and Security) and co-funded by EU H2020 Research and Innovation Programme. It brings together end users, practitioners, research centres and industries from Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain and United Kingdom. Additess LTD (www.Additess.com) is one the technical partners of the consortium. You can find more about the project and the ongoing at the 2nd Resisto Newsletter.
In this issue:
- Insight from the RESISTO project Coordinator
- Technical highlights: RESISTO second year activities
- Ethical, Societal and Legal Implications in EU research projects
- Project strategic view
…. and more