Project Newsletter (May -July 2020)
The Ethical Principles of MIICT
MIICT ( ) is dealing with sensitive issues. Therefore, the project has put a strong focus on research ethics. The following principles, which are building on the ALLEA Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, are guiding the MIICT imple-mentation.
RELIABILITY -includes validating information and sources. Use of recognized meth-ods and analyses. Justify decisions and actions with underlying rationale.
HONESTY -about limitations of methods or outcomes. Accurate reporting of findings. Correct omissions, misuse of data and avoid misleading outputs. Report wrongdoing appropriately.
RESPECT -for the rights of participants and others affected by research. Personal data and confidential information should be safeguarded appropriately. Equality for all (e.g. gender), should be integrated.
ACCOUNTABILITY -each researcher should take responsibility for complying with ethical standards and principles at every stage of the activity. Records should be made and kept demonstrating this. Ensure appropriate use of public funding.
INTEGRITY -incorporate scientifically sound practices, rigorous methods and quality data. Objective analysis of evidence. Impartiality and freedom from pressures or con-flicts of interest. Compliance with all relevant legal and ethical requirements.
TRANSPARENCY -about the purpose, methods and planned uses of the research. Provide publicly available outcomes, where possible. Openness about assumptions, findings and conclusions.
MINIMISE HARM & MAXIMISE BENEFIT -includes emotional, mental, physical, fi-nancial and social standing of any involved person. Includes stigmatization of individu-als / groups or consequences that could be perceived as discriminatory.
EXCELLENCE -ethics approvals should be obtained prior to activities that pose sig-nificant risks. Researchers should have professional competency. Aim to produce work of the highest quality.
FAIRNESS -acknowledge the contribution of others and accurately reference others’ work. Ensure no individual group is disadvantaged or unfairly represented.
More for the project proceedings can be found at the 4th_Project_Newsletter