On 25/11/2020 ADDITESS ltd represented PERCEPTIONS project (https://project.perceptions.eu/ ) on supporting the EMBRACIN project https://embracin.eu/ on their project presentation webinar. EMBRACIN project offers a new approach to the reception and integration of third country nationals in Europe.
The project EMBRACIN- Enhancing Migrants’ Bottom-up, Responsive and Citizen-led Integration in Europe- with a view to understanding, adapting and re-using the Calos’ experience, developed a network of cities interested in exchange, adapt and reuse (transfer) the award winning “6+6×6 Scheme” implemented at local level, scaling up the successful practice and testing its transferability in different EU Countries Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden ) and to adopt it as “structured model” for migrant inclusion and integration, by verifying its cost – effectiveness and its efficacy in terms of benefits for the migrants themselves and for the hosting communities.
During the webinar, a discussion followed the presentations where different stakeholders combined their views and methods on the best way to integrate the migrants.
Potential collaboration opportunities between projects where putted on the table for future actions.