MIICT (ICT Enabled Services for Migration) project (https://www.miict.eu) was conceived with the goal of designing, developing and deploying tools that address the challenge of migrant integration.
MIICT will facilitate the co-design and development of a number of ICTs to improve refugee and migrant population’s access to key public services, including healthcare, welfare and employment. The entire end-to-end process will rigorously follow a co-creation approach to ensure that migrants, refugees and public-sector service providers are deeply ingrained within the participatory design process. The approach will ensure that the needs of migrants and public service organisations are both identified and analysed. Primary empirical evidence from the Requirements analysis and co-creation phase will be synthesized with policy and the outcomes from existing research to evidentially ground the developed solutions in the tangible wants and needs of migrant groups. The ICTs will primarily focus on the needs of the migrant and refugee groups, and public-services identified in the projects pilot use-cases.
More for the project proceedings can be found at the 6th project newsletter