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MIICT 2nd Policy brief

  • Post By Additess
  • March 29, 2021


MIICT 2nd Policy brief


The  MIICT  (ICT-enabled  public  services  for  migration)  project (https://www.miict.eu ) works  towards  the development  of  ICT-enabled solutions  and  toolkits  to  enhance  migrant’s  integration.  It  also  proposes  inclusion policies  by  public administrations and the civil society, promoting in parallel discussions with experts in the field of migration, aiming not only to positively influence existing policies but also to propose new recommendations relevant to migrant integration.

The aim of  this  2nd MIICT  Policy  Brief  is  to  present  further  recommendations  on  existing  policies  around migration issues, proposing in that way certain issues that must be taken into consideration. It capitalises on the findings from the MIICT 1 stPolicy Brief (March 2020), as well as on the discussions of the Joint Migration

Policy  Roundtable,  a  3-day  online  webinar  among  six  EU  funded  projects  which  worked  towards  the development  of  ICT-enabled  solutions  and  toolkits  for  the  implementation  of  inclusion  policies  by  public administrations  and  the  civil  society  and  produced  a  Joint  Migration  policy  Whitepaper.  The MIICT-specific policy recommendations and  reflections  were  raised  during  the  MIICT  policy  roundtable  discussions  that  took place during January 2021. Consortium partners engaged themselves in discussing, all the proposed policies of the whitepaper, prioritizing them in accordance with the core objectives of MIICT project, as well as to the reality  of  the pilot  countries  (Cyprus,  Italy,  and  Spain).  The discussed issues highlighted the  main obstacles/challenges  that  need to  be  taken  into  consideration  for  a  smooth  and accurate  policy  application and proposed further recommendations aligned with encountered challenges.

This policy brief is aimed at decision makers, lobbying groups, and other interest groups.  It outlines and elucidates key findings that can contribute to the development of future policies. The recommendations will also feed into future Joint Policy Development roundtables, where further policies will  be  shaped,  taking  into consideration to promote in the best  way possible the interests of the  migrants,  the public service providers, as well as the relevant local host communities.

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