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2nd Climate Change in the Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East Conference

  • Post By Additess
  • August 30, 2021

PRECEPT (https://preceptproject.info) will participate to the  2nd Climate Change in the Eastern Mediterranean & Middle East Conference and to the pre-conference workshops, which will be organized by the Cyprus Institute under the framework of the EMME-CARE project, from 11 to 14 of October 2021. The conference will attract leading policy makers, scientists, prominent business people, key civil society stakeholders, and opinion-leaders from around the world. The findings of the Regional Scientific Task Forces appointed in the framework of the Cyprus Government Initiative, will be presented and debated to form the basis of an EMME Regional Climate Action Plan. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the proposed measures and solutions and gain an in-depth understanding of the benefits from their implementation in the EMME region.

The Conference will be preceded by two days of scientific workshops, focused on aspects of climate change and air pollution in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region. Through two full days of sessions, talks, and activities the workshops aim to bring together international scientific communities to discuss the latest concerning the science of climate change and air pollution, as well as related challenges, impacts and potential solutions for the EMME region.

More on : https://climatechange2021.org/