Welcome to the 5th S4AllCities Project Newsletter.
This issue provides updates on the progress and results of our project, focusing on the demonstration activities that took place in Trikala (Greece) and Pilsen (Chech Republic) aiming to test, validate and show case the progress of the developed tools.
Firstly, after a period of intense technical development, testing and integration the first pilot took place at Trikala on the 11th of May. The S4AllCities system was demonstrated to shareholders including local authorities, first responders and technology providers. The pilot was a great opportunity for technical partners and shareholders to exchange ideas and for the S4AllCities team to receive feedback regarding the application of the developed solutions. The pilot was well received and gathered attention from the local press.
Afterwards a second demonstration took place in Pilsen on the 23rd of July. The second pilot was part of a large exercise of the Pilsen police force practicing their response to a terrorist attack at the local stadium. This provided the opportunity for our tools to be demonstrated under a real scenario and used by the FRs during their operation. It also allowed other shareholders to see them into action and provide valuable feedback.
You can read further about the pilots in this newsletter as well as keep updated with the project in our site, as well as in our social media: twitter, linkedin, facebook.
Showcasing the S4AllCities Technologies to shareholders (left Mr. Papastergiou, Mayor of Trikala)