With this post, hashtag#ADDITESS would like to bid farewell to 2023 with the last activity performed abroad. Under the hashtag#BORDERUAS project, ADDITESS personnel during the 1st pilot near Zagreb Croatia as integration leader managed to successfully supervise and execute the integration of various surveillance sensors (electrooptics, acoustic, sar) and visualize their outcomes to BORDERUAS hashtag#C2 System (ADDITESS) and also the hashtag#Mission Planning (SIMAVI). Different operational scenarios were tested under the guidance of end users from European Border security organizations. Excellent development, cooperation, and testing activities by the BORDERUAS technical partners VICOMETH, SIMAVI, AVT, TUC, DIAN, IMP, and DIRACS. Let’s continue BORDERUAS’ exciting work and see the outcomes during the 2nd Pilot in Romania in March 2024.
hashtag#horizon hashtag#security hashtag#borderuas hashtag#additess hashtag#bordersecurity hashtag#border