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3rd Pilot Borderaus Orestiada Greece

  • Post By Additess
  • June 17, 2024

ADDITESS participated in the 3rd pilot of the BORDERUAS project in Greece Orestiada from 13th to 24th May 2024. hashtagADDITESS technical team for one more time has exceeded our expectations. Successful integration and operation of various surveillance sensors (electro-optics, acoustic, SAR), analytics mechanisms, and visualization of their outcomes to the BORDERUAS hashtagC2 System (ADDITESS) and also to the hashtagMission Planning (SIMAVI). This was the last pilot/field trial after the 4 years of the life cycle of the BORDERUAS project. We thank all consortium partners for their excellent work, unconditional help, and cooperation. It was a great feeling to overcome technical challenges which made us proud of the effort and the outcome.