Additess applies a Quality Management System in line with ISO 9001:2015, certified by TÜV Austria Certification Number: 200001190002439, for the scope of Information and Technology Services, Design, Implementation, network and Information System Support.
Additess is primary oriented in expanding in Greece and abroad in the competitive Information and Technology Infrastructure development and the creation of its own trends in IT, has decided to establish and operate a Quality Management System according to the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 standard. This system is based on providing services that meet customer’s requirements.
The quality approach is a continuous and strictly defined process that guarantees the consistent and evolving presence of the company in the business areas it operates.
Additess main motivation points are:
- Seeking continuous improvement of the operation workflows and procedures.
- Acquiring a high-level of know-how for completion of working the best possible way, while meeting customers’ requirements and achieving customer satisfaction.
- Creating a communication channel at all levels to ensure that the customer requirements are clear and can be fulfilled by the company’s provided solutions.
- Training and utilizing workforce (human resources).
Within this Quality system’s continuous improvement framework, Additess Management sets quality objectives, which are annually reviewed in terms of their implementation. New goals are placed, and the older ones are reviewed, depending on the company’s performance and market conditions in its business areas.
Additess is committed to:
- Systematic monitoring and compliance with the requirements related to the company’s operations.
- Continuous personnel training while encouraging human resources in participating actively in their operation field -acting as units or in teams to achieve the company’s objectives and ensure the Quality System’s improvement.
- The safe and effective management of all data and information, while safeguarding third party intellectual property or other confidential information that may be brought to the organization’s knowledge while working with customers. This information is solely handled by authorized personnel who commit themselves in business ethics and who are bound to the non-disclosure of this information to third parties, inside or outside the organization.
- Continuous effort to deliver quality services with the aim of increasing levels of customer satisfaction and improving competitiveness
- Keeping up to date with developments in this field.
- Developing harmonious cooperation with customers and suppliers as well as expanding its service coverage both in Greece and international markets.
- Continuous improvement of the quality of service provided and the Quality System itself, through evaluation processes and through relevant Key Performance Indicators benchmarking.
- Promoting open dialogue and informing the interested parties within a spirit of honesty and mutual respect.
- The documented problems / weaknesses analysis and root cause to identify and implement the necessary corrective and / or preventive actions needed to avoid their recurrence.
- Providing resources at every level (human – material – financial) that will contribute to the continuous improvement of the Quality System.
- Compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.
Additess Management, in collaboration with its executives, ensures that the documented Quality System procedures and documents are distributed and fully understandable by all employees, while being implemented and maintained at all levels of the organizational structure and cover all its business functions.
In addition, all external providers and interested parties are asked to embrace its principles, guiding them to operate in accordance with them.
Finally, this policy is available to all personnel, customers, suppliers, and any other interested party.